3 Self Investments You Need To Know

Self Investments

3 Self Investments You Need To Know

When you first read the headline at a glance, you might have thought it was just another dull stock recommendation article asking you to invest in XYZ stocks. Funny how our brains learned to associate “investment” only with “wealth” and not with our well-being or relationships.

But imagine two different scenarios:

One where you have plenty of wealth.

You own a BMW and wear a Rado watch.

Now, you’ve decided to go on a solo trip to the Maldives—alone!

In the other scenario, you have a decent bank balance, but not enough to afford luxury brands. However, when you visit your elderly mother, she can’t take her eyes off you, or your father smiles so wide that it’s enough to tell the whole world how proud he is of you.

Now, which scenario would you prefer to be in?

If you choose the second one, that means you already know some aspects of life are truly priceless, beyond any amount of money can ever buy. Sadly, many realize this later, when they’re asked, “What advice would you give to your younger self?”

So, in the next few minutes, I’ll discuss three crucial aspects of life that serve as valuable self-investments, and have the power to change your life for good.


  1. Self-development

Uncertainties and failures are the biggest obstacles in growth. But remember, even after failing a hundred times, just one success can outweigh all the wounds.

Then, why not embrace challenges, learn continuously, and pursue your passions? Such a journey irrespective of societal norms reveals life’s true essence through self-discovery.

So, invest in various skills.

Nurture your mind through reading, exploring culture, and engaging in diverse conversations.

Take care of your body with nutritious foods, adequate rest, regular check-ups, and maintaining a confident appearance.

True that age sometimes seems a barrier to dreams, triggering self-doubt and cynicism. But when you learn to reject societal expectations with a smile, you win.

  1. Nurture beyond yourself

There was an interesting study in the Journal of Positive Psychology that found we feel happier when we spend for others instead of ourselves, be it money, time, or effort.

Because life tastes the best only when you surround yourself with friends, family, and dear ones.

A fulfilling relationship always demands two essential things from you: effort and time.

In our family, there’s an uncle who was incredibly ambitious, focusing solely on earning more money. Even his newly-wed wife sacrificed their honeymoon for his career.

He achieved a significant promotion in his thirties and went abroad, earning a fortune but leaving his wife alone. By his late forties, when he returned wealthy, he realized he had lost precious time. They missed out on precious years of making happy memories and building a family.

The irony is, that no amount of money could ever compensate for that.

So, time is the most precious asset you have. Invest it wisely in those you hold dear.


  1. Gratitude and Celebration

Gratitude and Celebration

Adele once said in her song, “Life is a party to be thrown.”

In this world, there are two types of people you’ll see:

The first type celebrates when Messi scores an incredible goal, even if they’re not Argentine.

Then there’s the second type, who might just smile briefly at their own achievements and move on to their next goal.

Because they’re only driven by goals. They carry immense stress and rarely take the time to celebrate.But life is better when you take a pause, pat your back, and be grateful . It’s a valuable investment in life. When you appreciate both big and small moments of happiness, it makes your journey so great, that eventually it won’t matter if you reach the goal or not.


So, instead of focusing only on finances for trips, homes, or retirement, think about them you want to share these experiences with.

Because in your seventies, you don’t want to feel like “wish I knew all these in my thirties..” Right?

Then what are you waiting for? It’s the story of your life…take the pen and change it.

Interlink the blog “This Is Why You Need To Practice Gratitude” here
